Ph.D. Student
Supervisor/s |
Title |
Date |
Andrés D. Pérez |
Daniel E. López-Fogliani |
Fenomenología de modelos supersimétricos: partículas y materia oscura |
2020 |
Essodjolo Kpatcha |
Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
2019 | |
Thomas Biekotter |
Sven Heinemeyer & Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
Phenomenology of the Higgs sectors of the μνSSM and the N2HDM |
2019 |
Iñaki Lara | Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
Probing the electroweak sector of the μνSSM at the LHC | 2019 |
Germán A.
Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
Dark Matter Searches in the Gamma-ray Sky with the Fermi-LAT Space Telescope | 2013 |
Javier Fidalgo | Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
Phenomenology of a new Supersymmetric Standard Model, the μνSSM | 2011 |
Daniel E.
Carlos Muñoz IFT UAM-CSIC |
Supersymmetric models: phenomenological and dark matter analyses |
2007 |
Related theses supervised by other authors
Ph.D. Student |
Supervisor/s |
Title |
Date |
Andrew J. Long | Daniel Chung University of Wisconsin |
The Electroweak Phase Transition: Corralling the Higgs with Colliders & Cosmology | 2012 |
Pradipta Ghosh |
Utpal Chattopadhyay & Sourov Roy
University of Calcutta
Exploring Physics Beyond the Standard Electroweak Model in the Light of Sypersymmetry | 2011 |
Avelino Vicente | José W. F. Valle & Martin Hirsch IFIC UV-CSIC |
Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Neutrino Mass Models |
2011 |