Useful Links
Dark Matter Portal: Experiments, Conferences, Tools.
Interactive Plotter: WIMP Dark Matter Limit/Direct Detection Data.
Research Projects
MultiDark Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection.
CLUES Constrained Local UniversE Simulations.
HEPHACOS Phenomenology of Fundamental Interaction Field, Strings and Cosmology.
Research Networks
RENATA Astroparticle Spanish Network.
HAP Helmolthz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics.
ENTApP European Network of Theoretical Astroparticle Physics.
ILIAS Integrated Large Infraestructures for Astroparticle Science.
HEAPnet High Energy AstroParticle Physics Network.
UniverseNet The Origin of the Universe: Seeking links between Fundamental Physics and Cosmology.
Conference series
DSU The Dark Side of the Universe.
COSMO Particle Physics and Cosmology.
RICAP Roma International Conference on Astro-particle Physics.
TAUP Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics.
IDM Identification of Dark Matter.
DM UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe.
DARK Heidelberg Conference on Dark Matter in Astro & Particle Physics.
CYGNUS Directional Detection of Dark Matter.
Training Schools
ISAPP International School on AstroParticle Physics.
IDPASC International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
Doctorate Schools
IDAPP International Doctorate on AstroParticle Physics.
AstroParticle Organizations
ApPEC Astroparticle Physics European Coordination.
ASPERA AStroParticle ERAnet.
PaNAGIC Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation International Committee.