The research of the group is focused mainly on Elementary Particle Physics and Astroparticle Physics.
In the context of Particle Physics, the group carries out investigations on Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, studying the phenomenology of Unified Theories, Supersymmetry (SUSY), Supergravity and Superstrings. Members of the group (D.G. Cerdeño, C. Muñoz) study SUSY models such as the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), and the Next-to-MSSM and extensions, or have proposed (D.E. López-Fogliani, C. Muñoz) a new SUSY model such as the so-called μ from ν Supersymmetric Standard Model (μνSSM). The group has also constructed standard-like models from superstrings.
Research in the field of Neutrino Physics is also carried out in the group (M. Maltoni). In particular the data coming from both “ground-based” and astrophysical neutrino experiments such as IceCube and ANTARES are analyzed into a unique working environment, thus exploiting the synergies between these two classes of experiments.
Concerning Astroparticle Physics, the group works mainly in the theoretical analysis of the Dark Matter (DM) problem from particle physics and astrophysics viewpoints. The particle nature and structure of the DM in the Universe is studied, as well as its possible detection in underground labs, space-based detectors, and Cherenkov telescopes. The study of the DM implications in colliders such as LHC is also contemplated.
The group approaches the topic of DM from a multidisciplinary point of view, emphasizing fields where the members are experts, as it is the case of elementary particle physics (C. Muñoz, D.G. Cerdeño), astrophysics (G. Yepes), and nuclear physics (L. Robledo). This combination of expertise areas is one of the major advantages of the group. For example, since any candidate for DM has to be a new particle still undetected, the experience of the group in BSM physics is crucial for proposing and/or studying models with candidates such as the right-handed sneutrino, the gravitino or the neutralino. Besides, the group has the proper tools to set up realistic initial conditions, efficient parallel N-body+hydro codes and access to enough computer resources to carry out realistic cosmological simulations of galactic size halos. From these two aspects, the group expects to draw conclusions concerning the possible detection of the DM. In addition, the group is including nuclear physics tools in the DM analyses. These can be very helpful to carry out the study of the direct detection of DM more accurately.
Several researchers of the group, led by D.G. Cerdeño, belong to the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment (superCDMS). The SuperCDMS experiment will initially be at the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Minnesota where it will operate a total detector mass of ~10kg. In a subsequent phase, the experimental payload will be increased by a factor of 10 and the detector will be placed at a deeper site: the SNOLAB facility in Sudbury, Canada.
Research in the area of indirect DM searches through gamma rays in the Fermi satellite is also carried out by the group. G.A. Gómez-Vargas is a member of Fermi LAT.